Sunday, August 28, 2011

His Safe Place

In case you hadn't heard, we got a hurricane on the east coast today. It was a non-event in the Boston area, though you wouldn't have guessed that listening to the news (I'll save my rant about how annoying it is that New Englanders have lost their famous resilience). So we were stuck inside all day with a stir-crazy H, which made me a little, well, crazy.

When we saw what a non-event it was, we decided to venture out after H's nap. So we went where any good American goes when the weather outside is frightful but the prospect of their own four walls is even scarier: the mall. And we ate? At the Rainforest Cafe. Shudder.

H seemed to enjoy the spectacle of the place, but he was really tough to settle down tonight. At one point when he cried out from his crib, I asked him if he was scared of the elephants that "came alive" from time to time at the restaurant. He said yes (in his own way, which is more like "da"), and when I sat down with him in his rocker and told him it was all pretend and he was safe with mama and daddy in the next room, he closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

How lucky he was to feel the cozy security of his mother's arms as he drifted off to sleep.
How lucky I was to be those arms.

To become a mother is to have these moments -- all the time -- where you feel like you finally understand the meaning of life.


Anonymous said...

Amen to the non-event, amen to those lucky, lovin' mama arms of yours. :)

Turia said...


I just had one of those moments where E. was all wrapped up like a burrito, passed out on my shoulder and making those gorgeous little snuffling noises he does when sleeping. Took great willpower to put him down in the crib!

thanks too for the 2,3,4 nap advice. I have heard of it, but have heard it doesn't really kick in until six months. But if he reaches that stage without settling into a pattern, I will definitely try to encourage him in that direction!

Roccie said...

Little does he know that if it were a real elephant Momma could take it down with her bare hands.

Anonymous said...

Aww, how sweet! Those moments are the best. Poor Birdie is sick and snuffly right now and she fell asleep mid morning on my chest on the couch. I just sat there with her for a long time, even though I really needed to try to get her in the crib so I could take a quick shower. It doesn't get much better than holding your own sleeping baby and feeling how much they love and trust you.

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